I am not sure that I really need to add anything else to it. I saw this will reading Urban Velo and thought to myself, "that is a very logical logo."
Aggressive and targeted... those offended by this, probably aren't the target audience. Hardcore skiers, runners, bikers, workers, and others who might need this are unlikely to be offended. They are also likely to know what it does without even reading any further (fyi: its helps those who "suffer from chaffing and want something made from natural ingredients like beeswax, coconut oil, almond oil and vitamin E.")
This is humorous. But the graphics SO dropped the ball here. I was just reading a quote on a design quotes blog this morning, it said, "Designers think everything done by someone else is awful, and that they could do it better themselves, which explains why I designed my own living room carpet, I suppose." (Chris Bangle)
It's the designer's ego. We've all got one in varying degrees. I try to keep mine in check because arrogance is ugly.
But hey I'm not made of stone. I know I could design a better label for "Taint Paint" in like... 15 minutes.
Oh, I totally agree that you could come up with much better graphics. But I still give them kudos for the creativity of coming up with it in the first place and the no-holds directness of the name and graphics!
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