Yesterday, I attended a (new to me) networking lunch, called LA2M. It was sort of the typical format for these things, with time to network in the beginning, a presentation, and time to introduce yourself to everyone at the end. The topic was presented by Chris Kochmanski of Design Hub in Ann Arbor regarding old school marketing of direct mail and telemarketing for high-end service businesses. It was an interesting look into how these programs still work when done well.
I found the topic to be interesting, and found the group to be a good opportunity for networking with other marketing (and non-marketing) folks and entrepreneurs.
If you're interested, here's a list of upcoming topics.
Dave - great meeting you yesterday at LA2M. Hope to see you again soon. Next week's speaker should be real fun!
Thanks, Derek. Great to meet you as well. I won't be able to attend next week's meeting, but looking forward to August!
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